Amy & Eros in Alaska

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Day Court

As I sit here staring out of Eros's dorm room window, five seagulls are fighting over a hamburger bun that one of them scavenged from the dumpsters across the parking lot. They're making quite a racket. Eros is snuggled under his blankies reading peacefully. Just wanted to give you all a visual.

So today I went on a little field trip with my class to the Fairbanks court (they're the Justice League, after all). We watched some arraignments, which included getting to see the perps on closed-circuit TV from the jail, and I must say that they all looked like your typical characters from Fox's all-time classic "COPS" (scraggly hair, stained t-shirts, going overboard with the "Yes, sir's"). All of those being arraigned really sincerely promised not to drink and drive or beat their girlfriends ever again. And they all missed their last court date because they were working. Right. Most interesting was my students' chatter before the court was in session. For being aged 13-17 they sure do have a lot of experience being wrestled by police, knowing people that are in jail, and shooting guns.

Other than that, I totally made friends with one of the cafeteria ladies, concocted a delicious sandwich for lunch from what bland provisions the cafeteria offers, and forced the students to watch "Whale Rider" tonight and was impressed with how they were transfixed by much of it and clapped at the end.


At 4:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that movie! Did you make them watch it just b/c it's about Alaskan natives- er....Australian natives...hmmm, nevermind.


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